Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Looking good in lycra!


As I said in post 1, my first day of proper exercise and healthier eating was today. I couldn't go out on my first ride immediately as I had to wait in for my new saddle, It's a memory foam one, although I kind of feel sorry for it, having to remember my sweaty arse is something even I struggle to comprehend! I also read that a good pair of cycling shorts (Lycra of course) were essential to avoid painful rubbing of non vital but incredibly useful parts of the anatomy. I donned the beautiful black lycra XXXL shorts, I can now see why professional cyclists go so fast, they can't wait to get these bloody shorts off and back into some proper clothes!!!

The wife waved me off with a look that can only be described as half "He's never going to make it" and half "Jesus wept he's wearing lycra!!" this only made me more certain I was going to succeed.

Cranking hard on the downhill section I decided to see what my top speed would be and I clocked a very average 26.39 mph. In hindsight I probably shouldn't have really gone for it so early as my legs are not used to too much effort and I was to regret it nearer the end. The wind was incredibly gusty today and made for a hard first attempt, but baring in mind I haven't ridden a bike in 9 years and am about as unfit as you can be I managed to complete the ride with the following stats.

Distance: 4.69 miles
Time: 25:03
Average speed: 11.25mph
Top speed: 26.39mph

Now I know that may not seem too impressive but imagine having to carry 312 pounds on a pushbike, I actually think it was a good first effort.

Returning home I collapsed through the front door like an ancient Roman messenger that had run from Dover to London to deliver a message, Sweating, breathless and thinking about never doing it again, but 5 minutes later I was fine. So much so I am considering another go this evening.

Thanks for reading, Speak soon :)

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