Monday, 28 November 2011

Please delete from gene pool.

Euthanasia, I think this woman is a prime candidate!

I'm not sure if you'll have seen this video yet but honestly people like this should not be allowed to breed. Human rights activists have even been rumoured to have said 'Fuck her off, she's an idiot'.

What am I talking about? Let me enlighten you!

Where do I start...... Ok let's try this.

1) Black people CAN be British you narrow minded fucking halfwit.

2) Polish people come here because the political party your skanky crack addled mong brain couldn't work out how to vote against let them in to 'YOUR BRITAIN'

3) By the sounds of your simple, brain injured drooling monotonous voice you're from a different fucking planet let alone country.

4) They would sort out their own countries, but to be fair our country needs to sort out utter twunts like you too..... SO let's start on our own doorstep you fucking silly tramp.

5) Britain is nothing now eh? You know why that is bitch? It's because we no longer have the ability to enslave the ancestors of the very people you are berating.... the people who probably pay more into this country than you do. After all I don't believe there's a recognised tax band for professional skag head.

6) It's not 'your' Britain you arrogant no good bell end.

7) Your British is fuck all? Just like your comprehension of the English language you pissing buffoon.

8) "I've got a little kid here" Yes you have and what did he do to deserve having a dopey wet fart like you for a parent? I really hope your son brings a 'foreign' man home and introduces him to you as his boyfriend you narrow minded whore.

9) "I dare you, I fucking dare you!" At this point I would have walked over and beaten her to death with her own fist. I would have made sure that kid went to a loving family in a pet free, smoke free home.

10) "Go back to where you come from, go back to sib----fucking nickercraglurar! I have an idea darling, they'll go back when you crawl back under your rock.

At this point (around 1:10 into the video) I really really hoped that Audley Harrison jr behind her had sucker punched the stupid slut right in the back of the head.

11) "It's my British country!" Errrrrr, sorry..... what?

12) "You're not British, you're black!" 10 points for colour recognition, nil point for your assumption of the lady's birth country! A slap in the face with a wet mackerel for being retarded.

13) "No coz sumwun's gorra talk up for these lot....." And there was me thunkin' yore tawkin' aaahhht against dem!

At this point I'd like to mention that she looks a little bit like a homeless version of Davina McCall. I am actually ashamed to admit that she is from the same country as I am. Therefore I'd like to announce that I have spoken to Kirsty and Phil and they are currently looking out for a 4 bedroom detatched with a pool in sib----fucking nickercraglurar. The weather is better, the public transport is more reliable and last but not least I know I won't be bumping into you there you filthy scab.

The other upside is that according to you there won't be any sib----fucking nickercragluraran's in there own country so I will have a country all to myself!

Much love,
