Monday 26 September 2011

British justice (do not read if you think I'm pleasant)

I've held off on passing my own judgement on the British justice system for long enough,well it's about time that I at least let people know what is going wrong and how it can be fixed!

Why is it that judges are so hesitant to deliver hefty sentences that will genuinely deter people from re-offending? The answer is that they are total pussies, pussies that wear stupid black robes like an extra from fucking Harry Potter and wigs that make them look like a 90 year olds nut sack with a grey pube combover.

How is it that somebody nicking 6 bottles of water is sentenced to 6 months in prison and a paedophile with 6000 images of kids gets 4 months suspended for 2 years. The answer is glaringly obvious, no one gives a fuck about this country anymore. The judges earn so much money they can holiday in Barbados for 6 months of the year to escape the shit hole that is England.

If I was a judge you'd see proper sentences, I'm not talking slaps on the wrist here, I'm talking 2 broken arms and the rectal insertion of a pineapple sharp end up. Allow me to give you a couple of examples.

EXAMPLE 1:  "A 60-year-old man  from North Norfolk has been placed on the Sex Offenders register  after admitting possessing hundreds of indecent images of children. Philip Hilstrop, of The Warren, Cromer, appeared at Norwich Crown Court today, Friday 24 June 2011, where he was sentenced to four months in jail suspended for two years. Hilstrop had previously pleaded guilty on Monday 6 June 2011 to possession of more than 1000 indecent images".

Incredibly this is the quote from the lead investigator:

"We hope this sentence sends out a strong message to those intent on possessing such images. We should remember that behind every image there is a victim of abuse."

Det Con Michaela Cunningham, Vulnerable Persons Unit

JUDGE DAVE SAYS: "Nail the filthy old bastard to a tree, cover him in glue and them a layer of bird seed. Leave for a while and let the crows peck the filthy bastard to death. Shoot or poison the crows, grind them up, make a pie out of them and feed the pies to other filthy paedo's with a sprinkle of fucking cyanide. Sack the fucking moron bitch that thinks 4 months suspended for 2 years is a suitable sentence for a child abuser.

EXAMPLE 2: A double rapist - who used his victim's phone to taunt her mother - has been warned if he continues to breaches his Sexual Offences Prevention Order he will be back before the court. Michael Quinn, 22, appeared at Crown Court on Tuesday to plead guilty to violating his SOPO on 30 January 2011. The breach occurred when Quinn broke the rules of his probation-approved hostel accommodation by drinking alcohol in the premises. In suspending his two month jail term for two years, Judge Patrick Lynch QC told Quinn if he committed any further offences, "I can assure you that as far as I'm concerned, these two months will be consecutive to any other sentence."

JUDGE DAVE SAYS: 2 months suspended for 2 fucking years? Yeah that's shown him, I mean he's obviously learned his fucking lesson by committing these crimes whilst on probation for other crimes. Cut this filthy bastards tongue out and strangle him to within an inch of his life with it. Peel the filthy slag's skin off and dump him in a skip full of salt. Beat him every single fucking day until his brain leaks out of his fucking shoe.

Here's my take on the minimum sentences to be handed down for various crimes.

Murderers: Forced into being bubba from cell C6's sex slave, beaten every night for three hours. shot in head the day before their anticipated release.

Rapists: Face tattooed bright blue, released into general public with an amnesty for anyone that kicks the living shit out of them. If you kill them you receive a one off cash payment of 500k.

Paedophiles: Scoop their eyes out with a rusty teaspoon, Tazer them every 20 minutes 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Feed their eyes to them for dinner.

Their are countless other crimes that deserve stoning, Failing to parallel park correctly for example, littering and swearing fall into this category too.

I could really get into this justice malarkey, I'm off to dream of beating down scumbags,

Don't have nightmares,

Much love from Dave !